Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: February 1, 2025 - Last updated: February 1, 2025


Author: Brian Clites

Title: In Search of a Historiography of Clergy Sexual Abuse

Subtitle: -

Journal: U.S. Catholic Historian

Volume: 41

Issue: 2

Year: Spring 2023

Pages: 79-102

pISSN: 0735-8318 - Find a Library: WorldCat | eISSN: 1947-8224 - Find a Library: WorldCat

Language: English

Keywords: Modern History: 20th Century, 21st Century | American History: U.S. History | Cases: Real Incidents / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Cases; Types: Child Sexual Abuse; Offenders: Clergymen


- (Free Access)

- Project MUSE (Restricted Access)

- ResearchGate (Free Access)


Author: Brian J. Clites, Department of Religious Studies, Case Western Reserve University -, ResearchGate

Abstract: »Clergy sexual abuse has become a key area of interest in the study of U.S. Catholic history. For decades, survivors and whistleblowers have written passionately about the pain and scandal of clerical abuse. Journalists and social scientists have described their suffering as a “crisis” caused by individual and organizational pathologies, while lawyers and criminologists have advocated for financial and carceral solutions. Questions of religion and history took a backseat to these framings of clerical abuse as deviant, clinical, and judicial. After a recent influx of new resources, American Catholic historians now have the opportunity to reshape the discourse by contextualizing clergy sexual abuse within Catholic history and culture. Although this work has just begun, emerging projects suggest that intersectional and interdisciplinary approaches might unlock new ways of understanding not just clergy abuse but also the related topics of Catholic childhood, gender, and sexuality.« (Source: U.S. Catholic Historian)

  Public Awareness and Early Research: 1982–2001 (p. 81)
  After Boston, Discourses of Pathology and Reform: 2002–2017 (p. 86)
  Calls to Contextualize the “Crisis” (p. 90)
  Challenges for Historicizing Clergy Sexual Abuse (p. 92)
  Emergent Scholarship: Interdisciplinary and Intersectional Turns (p. 98)
  Conclusion (p. 101)

Wikipedia: History of the Americas: History of the United States | Catholic Church: Catholic Church in the United States / Catholic Church sex abuse cases in the United States | Sex and the law: Child sexual abuse / Child sexual abuse in the United States